
"A Deep Flow session is all about bringing harmony between the physical, emotional and energetic bodies, while offering you a moment of relaxation and release."


A session tailored to your needs

the Deep Flow draws on several approaches and techniques, promoting work on myofascial tissues. 

Always a good listener, Anne personalizes the session for each individual. By studying your posture, the way you, and your needs, she adapts her methods for a targeted massage, aiming for lasting comfort and greater mobility and relaxation.

*In compliance with the law, Deep Flow is neither a medical massage nor physiotherapy, and is in no way erotic or sexual.

massage du crâne

Who's it for?

Ce massage est adapté à tous/tes : sédentaires, sportifs, jeunes, moins jeunes, femmes enceintes… De plus, formée en Massage et Oncologie (US/UK),  Anne peut adapter son travail afin d’accompagner les personnes touchées par le cancer.

Session sequence

Each session includes 3 important steps:

1. A personal EVALUATION

To assess your needs that day, to briefly observe your posture, and whether or not you have any contraindications, etc.

2. manual work

Myofascial release techniques combined with breath work and movement, asking at time your participation for a conscious feeling of release and relaxation.

3. rest and brief educational discussion

In order to assimilate, understand and retain the effects of the session.

Anne can be found at her home in Porspoder (Finistère - 29840) and sometimes in Paris (by appointment only).

60-minute session


90-minute session




(massage techniques)

Postural alignment 


Deep Flow avec ciblage sur les douleurs des épaules


Désir de se relaxer, à la recherche d’un moment de détente… mais aussi vouloir soulager :

chronic tension
 stress-related issues (burn out, insomnia, etc.)
some postural imbalances
une restriction d’amplitude de mouvement

More info

Anne Compagnon

Anne Compagnon

Praticienne certifiée depuis plus de 30 ans, partez à la rencontre d’Anne Compagnon et partager vos expériences.

Formation et travail de groupe



Découvrez les formations inspirantes, partout en France et tout au long de l’année.

Téléphone portable et PC



If you have any questions, please contact Anne directly, by email, phone or fill in the form...

Any questions?

Contact Anne by phone or e-mail.

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