
“Anne offre des formations approfondies pour tous les niveaux.”


Discover our programs

The courses are open to manual practitioners, yogatherapists and other professionals and lay persons interested in the human body and well-being. intéressés par le corps humain et le bien-être

Join Anne Compagnon (graduated and certified in the United States) for a face-to-face or distance professional training, in different locations and throughout the year.

Anne et une élève lors d'une formation en massage cancer / oncologie


Massage épaule



Merging myofascial release techniques with basic postural alignment approach and breathwork.

In motion

In motion

Massage techniques to improve the client's range of motion in addition to Foundation techniques. 

Deep Flow avec ciblage sur les douleurs des épaules

Deep Tissue

Deep Tissue

Massage techniques designed to release deep tension, improve range of motion and promote relaxation.

massage suédois



Massage techniques related to Swedish massage.

Massage cancer / oncologie



Learn how to adapt your practices to the specific needs of people affected by cancer, whether in treatment, in remission or at the end of life.

Accompagnement tutoring

Coaching and tutoring

Coaching and tutoring

Get concrete feedback and corrections on your work as a practitioner. You bring in your problems and Anne helps you solve them.

Portrait d'Anne Compagnon, masseuse certifiée et enseignante

Meeting with Anne

A US-certified massage therapist with a penchant for structural and deep-tissue techniques, she has been practicing and teaching for over 30 years.

Always a good listener, in addition to offering targeted massage sessions, Anne shares her experience through various certified training courses and personalized coaching/tutoring.

Les prochains évènements

formation en massage

Images courses

Fin de formation
Analyse posturale en formation
Livret de formation "Les fondements"
Formation professionnelle Deep Tissue
Certificat de formation professionnelle Deep Tissue
massage de l'épaule en formation
Groupe de formation professionnelle

Any questions?

Please contact Anne for more information.

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